Villa in vendita sulle colline di Sosua Listing #: v-12061 LG Prezzo : U$160,000

Stato: In Vendita
Listing #: v-12061 LG
Prezzo : U$160,000
Camere: 4
Bagni: 4
Appartamenti: 1
Area di Costruzione (piedi quadrati): 2368 / sq Meters: 220
Misure del Terreno (piedi quadrati): 9731 / sq Meters: 904
Villa in vendita sulle colline di Sosua

Questa villa si trova in una posizione privilegiata, in quanto è all'interno di un residence sulle colline diSosua ed  è l'ultima villa del complesso. Per questo motivo ha una fantastica vista sulle colline circostanti e potrete inoltre godervi in assoulta tranquillita' e privacy, il fantastico giardino, la terrazza e la piscina. Si entra nella proprieta' da un cancello in ferro battuto bianco; a sinistra si trova il parcheggio pavimenato e a destra l'entrata della villa.  Questa villa è ideale per una famiglia o per chi ama le ville grandi anche per poter ospitare amici, in quanto ha grandi spazi e 4 camere da letto. Le colonne bianche all'ingresso rendono la sala elegante e separano la zona relax dalla zona pranzo dove vi è attualmente un tavolo per sei persone,  che potrebbe essere cambiato per uno più grande visto all'occorenza, essendo la zona pranzo molto ampia. La cucina è completamente attrezzata con mobili in legno e moderni elettrodomestici. La sala ha un divano in pelle beige e un tavolino in legno  e un bagno per gli ospiti. Sul lato destro dell'entrata si trova un bagno completo di doccia e due camere da letto, ora usate una come studio e una come camera per gli ospiti. Un'ampia scala conduce al primo piano dove vi sono altre due camere da letto ed altri due bagni. La prima camera da letto, attualmente usata dal prorpietario, ha un romantico letto in ferro battuto bianco, una grande finestra ed una porta finestra che conduce ad un'ampia terrazza sulla quale potrete trascorrere piacevoli pomeriggi ammirando il panorama delle verdi colline di Sosua rinfrescati dall brezza collinare ed aspettando che il cielo si tinga con i mille colori tipici dei tramonti tropicali.  L'altra camera è attualmente usata come sala hobby ed ha oltre a due grandi finestre una porta finestra per arrivare  alla propria terrazza.  Uno dei due bagni presenti al primo piano è molto ampio ed ha un grande vasca jacuzzi e uno  spazio dove poter installare una grande e fantastica doccia.   All'interno della villa vi sono alcuni lavori da terminare, per questo il proprietario la vende ad un prezzo piu' basso rispetto al suo valore reale, per poter permettere all'acquirente di completarli.

La villa è situata su di una collina a Sosua a pochi minuti d'auto dal centro della citta' e  dai negozi, scuole,  bar, ristoranti, discoteche, casino', ospedale e dalla spiaggia di Sosua Bay con tutti i tipici ristoranti e bar dove potrete sorseggiare la vostre bevande preferite o assaggiare piatti tipici dominicani e non. In soli dieci minuti di auto sarete a  Cabarete famosa per tutte le attività riguardanti gli sport  acquatici.

Per maggiori informazioni riguardanti quest' affascinante villa a Sosua o riguardo gli acquisti immobiliari in Repubblica Dominicana completate il modulo di richiesta informazioni. 
Distanza Dall´Aeroporto (Km): 10.0
Distanza dall'aeroporto (miglia): 6.21
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Km): 3.5
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Miglia): 2.17
Distanza dale Scuole (Km): 0.9
Distanza dale Scuole (Miglia): 0.56
Distanza dai negozi (Km): 3.0
Distanza dai negozi (miglia): 1.86
Distanza dalla Citta (km): 3.0
Distanza dalla Citta (miglia): 1.86
Caratteristiche: Cable, Internet, Inverter, Maids quarters/Laundry, Parking space, Pets allowed, Satelite, Swimming pool, Telephone
Finanziamento Disponibile: Yes
Piani: 2
Ammobiliato: Semi furnished
Latitudine: 18.895892559415024
Longitudine: -70.46630859375
Listing #: v-12061
Parcheggio: Posto auto privato
Vista: Vista Montagna
Anno di Costruzione: 2009

Residence in vendita a Sosua Listing #: B-12057 LG Listing #: B-12057 LG

Stato: In Vendita
Listing #: B-12057 LG
Prezzo : U$220,000
Camere: 10
Bagni: 7
Appartamenti: 7
Area di Costruzione (piedi quadrati): 5242.2 / sq Meters: 487
Misure del Terreno (piedi quadrati): 6727.66 / sq Meters: 625
Residence in vendita a Sosua

Questo piccolo complesso di appartamenti è situato nel centro di Sosua, a pochi passi dalle spiagge,  dai bar, ristoranti, supermercati, negozi, scuole e ospedali. L'attuale proprietario ha tutto l'anno i 7 appartamenti affittati il che rende la proprieta' un'ottimo investimento. Essendo la proprieta' nel centro di Sosua, gli appartamenti sono ottimi per essere affittati sia a lungo termine che a breve termine. La proprieta' e' composta da 7 appartamenti: 4 appartamenti con una camere da letto,  un monolocale, un appartamento con una camera da letto e una grande cabina armadio ora usata come studio ed un grande appartamento composto da sala, cucina, sala da pranzo, 2 camere da letto  molto grandi e due camere da letto di normali dimensioni, un bagno, due terrazze coperte, parcheggio auto coperto e un bellissimo e grande giardino tropicale dove è possibile costruire una piscina.

Le dimensioni degli appartamenti sono:

1. Due camere grandi , due camere regolari, 1 bagno, 1 cucina, 1 sala, 1 sala da pranzo, 2 terrazze coperte, 1 parcheggio coperto, gardino  - 184 mq/1981 sq/ft

2. Monolocale con bagno - 17 mq - 183 sq/ft

3. Una camera da letto, sala con cucina e bagno - 31 mq - 334 sq/ft.

4. Una camera da letto, sala con cucina e bagno - 36 mq - 388 sq/ft.

5. Una camera da letto, una cabina armadio molto grande,sala con cucina e zona pranzo, bagno - 77 mq- 829 sq/ft

6. Una camera da letto, sala con cucina e bagno  - 70 sq/mt - 754 sq/ft.

7. Una camera da letto, sala con cucina e bagno - 72 sq/mt - 775 sq/ft

La Baia di Sosua con la sua acqua cristallina e i tipici piccoli ristoranti, negozi e bar dista solo 5 minuti a piedi dal complesso di appartamenti. La maggior parte dei Bar sulla spiaggia apre alle 9 la mattina cosi che potrete fare un apasseggiata sulla spiaggia, bere un succo di frutta fresca, praznare sulla spiaggia fino ad attendere il meraviglioso tramonto tropicale. 

Cabarete che offre uno stile di vita unico, sia di giorno che di notte, dista soli 10 minuti di auto dal residence.Cabarete di giorno è la capitale degli sport dei caraibi in particolare per il surf e il kite surf ed ogni anno ospita i campionati mondiali di kite surf. Di notte la spiaggia si trasforma con bellissimi ristoranti sulla spiaggia, locali notturni, discoteche e bar. Potrete cenare e ballare a piedi nudi sulla sabbia !

L'aeroporto  internazionale di Puerto Plata si trova, partendo dal residence,  soli 10 minuti di auto andando nella direzione opposta a Cabarete.

Per maggiori informazioni relative a questa fantastica opportunita' o per avere informazioni in generale sul mercato immobiliare e sul processo di acquisto di una proprieta' immobiliare in Repubblica Dominicana scrivete a 

Distanza Dall´Aeroporto (Km): 7.0
Distanza dall'aeroporto (miglia): 4.35
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Km): 0.3
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Miglia): 0.19
Distanza dale Scuole (Km): 0
Distanza dale Scuole (Miglia): 0
Distanza dai negozi (Km): 0
Distanza dai negozi (miglia): 0
Distanza dalla Citta (km): 0
Distanza dalla Citta (miglia): 0
Caratteristiche: Cable, Internet, Pets allowed, Satelite, Telephone
Finanziamento Disponibile: Yes
Piani: 2
Ammobiliato: Semi furnished
Latitudine: 18.895892559415024
Longitudine: -70.46630859375
Listing #: B-12057
Parcheggio: Posto auto privato

Hotel in vendita nel centro di Sosua Repubblica Dominicana Listing #: B-12055 LG Prezzo : U$480,000

Stato: In Vendita
Listing #: B-12055 LG
Prezzo : U$480,000
Camere: 14
Bagni: 15
Area di Costruzione (piedi quadrati): 4305 / sq Meters: 400
Misure del Terreno (piedi quadrati): 12917 / sq Meters: 1200
Hotel in vendita nel centro di Sosua
Per maggiori informazioni in merito agli immobili di Sosua e nella Repubblica Dominicana scrivete a

Questo popolare hotel e’ una delle migliori proprieta’ situate nel centro di  Sosua, a pochi passi da bar ristoranti supermercati e dalla spettacolare spiaggia nella baia di Sosua.

 Al piano terra della costruzione c’e’ il ristorante, al quale possono accedere sia gli ospiti dell'hotel che ospiti esterni , un grazioso giardino tropicale, una sala da pranzo che affaccia sul giardino e un bagno per gli ospiti. Sullo stesso piano ci sono otto confortevoli camere con bagno privato ed acqua calda.

 Al primo piano c’e’ una terrazza e altre sei camere con bagno privato ed acqua calda. Ogni camera ha il suo piccolo balcone. La proprieta’ include un lotto di terreno a disposizione per un eventuale ampliamente dell’ hotel o per costruire una casa privata. Questa proprieta’ e’ un ottima soluzione per chi desidera avviare una attivita’ a Sosua, perfetta come hotel o rinnovabile in mini appartamenti da affittare per breve o lungo termine. Questo e’ anche uno degli ultimi appezzamenti di terreno nel centro della citta’.

Sosua e’ una delle citta’ che si sta sviluppando piu' rapidamente in Repubblica Dominicana e ci sono numerose compagnie internazionali che stanno investendo nell’area creando una delle maggiori opportunita' immobiliari  dell’intera area caraibica.

Le maggiori attrazioni di Sosua sono la spiaggia, i negozi, i ristoranti e sicuramente la vita notturna.  La spiaggia principale di Sosua e’ una spiaggia a ferro di cavallo con sabbia fine e bianca in una baia protetta ideale per nuotare e fare immersioni. Cabarete e' a pochi chilometri ed e' una localita' ideale per gli amanti degli sport come il kite surf, surf e windsurf. Per maggiori informazioni in merito agli immobili di Sosua e nella Repubblica Dominicana scrivete a

Distanza Dall´Aeroporto (Km): 6.84
Distanza dall'aeroporto (miglia): 4.25
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Km): 0.69
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Miglia): 0,43
Distanza dale Scuole (Km): 0,96
Distanza dale Scuole (Miglia): 0.60
Distanza dai negozi (Km): 0.1
Distanza dai negozi (miglia): 0.1
Distanza dalla Citta (km): 0.1
Distanza dalla Citta (miglia): 0.1
Caratteristiche: Cable, Generator, Internet, Inverter, Maids quarters/Laundry, Pets allowed, Satelite, Telephone
Piani: 2
Latitudine: 18.895892559415024
Longitudine: -70.46630859375
Listing #: B-12055
Vista: Vista Montagna

Villa in vendita sulle colline di Sosua Listing #: V-12056 LG U$79,000

Stato: In Vendita
Listing #: V-12056 LG
Prezzo : U$79,000
Camere: 2
Bagni: 2
Area di Costruzione (piedi quadrati): 1076 / sq Meters: 100
Misure del Terreno (piedi quadrati): 9526 / sq Meters: 885
Villa in vendita sulle colline di Sosua

Questa graziosa villa è circondata da un tropicale giardino molto bello creato attentamente dal proprietario. All'interno della villa potrete trovare una ampia sala con cucinarifinita in pietra naturale. Nella parte destra c'e una grande camera colorata con una bella finestra grande . La camera ha un suo bagno privato. La seconda camera situata dall'altra parte della sala e' anch'essa molto grande e colorata ed ha il suo bagno. fuori dalla casa c'e' una piccola costruzione da utilizzare come magazzino per gli attrezzi del giardino, una bicicletta ed e' sufficiente per contenere un ciclomotore. Nel giardino ci sono diverse varieta di piante tropicalil e nella parte piu assolata e' situata una iacuzzi perfetta per rilassarsi e godersi il caldo sole dei caraibi. La villa ha una comoda terrazza che affaccia sul giardino, ideale per una cena al fresco. La villa si trova all'interno di un area tranquilla sulle colline di Sosua, luogo in cui  si ha il vantaggio di sfruttare il vento tropicale che rende il luogo molto confortevole specialmente nei caldi giorni estivi.  La proprieta e' situata a pochi minuti dal centro di Sosua, dai supermercati, dalle scuole e dalla deliziosa spiaggia diSosua.

Per maggiori informazioni riguardanti questa proprieta' o altri immobili in Repubblica DOminicana scrivete a 
Distanza Dall´Aeroporto (Km): 8.39
Distanza dall'aeroporto (miglia): 5.22
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Km): 1.77
Distanza dalla Spiaggia (Miglia): 1.10
Distanza dale Scuole (Km): 2.48
Distanza dale Scuole (Miglia): 1.54
Distanza dai negozi (Km): 1.51
Distanza dai negozi (miglia): 0.94
Distanza dalla Citta (km): 1.51
Distanza dalla Citta (miglia): 0.94
Caratteristiche: Cable, Generator, Internet, Inverter, Jacuzzi, Parking space, Pets allowed, Satelite, Telephone
Piani: 1
Latitudine: 18.895892559415024
Longitudine: -70.46630859375
Listing #: V-12056
Parcheggio: Parcheggio
Vista: Vista Montagna

Sosua villa for sale with guest studio Listing #: V-12054 LG


Status: For Sale
Listing #: V-12054 LG
City: Sosua
Price: U$165,000
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Living area (sq. Feet): 1829 / sq Meters: 170
Lot Size (sq Feet): 4305 / sq Meters: 400

Sosua villa for sale with guest studio.
This is a lovely two bedroom villa with an independent studio on the second floor is located just a few steps from the beautiful beach of Playa Chiquita in Sosua. As you enter from the front of the property you are welcomed with a romantic garden with tropical plants and flowers. As you enter the villa you come across a spacious living room complete with modern Caribbean style couch with a matching coffe table. Just off the living room there is a full kitchen with a breakfast bar with stools, a stove and a refrigerator.  From here you can also access the rear garden through the sliding patio doors. On the opposite side of the kitchen there is the bathroom and two bedrooms with pine wood closets. The master bedroom has a king size bed and has plenty of natural light thanks to two large windows plus a sliding patio door which offers views of the back garden.
The second  bedroom has queen size bed and a  pine wood closet.
On the second floor there is an independant studio apartment complete with kitchen and bathroom. This studio allows the perfect opportunity for your guests to have a separate living accomodation and even is ideal for providing some rental income.
To the rear of the property there is a private garden complete with a Jacuzzi. This is the ideal location to relax and enjoy the warm sunshine whilst enjoying your favorite beverage. 
There is also a separate laudry and storage area.
This house is near the center of Sosua and the famous Sosua bay beach with a many small shops and beach bars, and only five minutes drive from the main international airport of Puerto Plata. In the opposite direction you find Cabarete, the best destination in the Caribbean for surf and kite boarding sports. For more information about this property or real estate here in the Dominican Republic, please write to 
Distance to beach (km): 0.21
Distance to beach (miles): 0.13
Distance to schools (km): 1,16
Distance to schools (miles): 0,72
Distance to shopping (km): 0,72
Distance to shopping (miles): 1,16
Distance to town (km): 1,16
Distance to town (miles): 0.72
Features: Cable, Internet, Inverter, Jacuzzi, Maids quarters/Laundry, Parking space, Pets allowed, Telephone
Floors: 2
Furnished: Fully furnished
Lattitude: 19.778980624532042
Longitude: -70.4827880859375
Listing #: V-12054
Parking: Parking space
View: Countryside

Town houses in Sosua for sale Listing #: V-12053 LG


Status: For Sale
Listing #: V-12053 LG
City: Sosua
Price: U$250,000
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 4
Living area (sq. Feet): 3229 / sq Meters: 300
Lot Size (sq Feet): 6458 / sq Meters: 600
Town houses in Sosua for sale.
For more information about this property and real estate in the Dominican Republic, please write to .
These two town houses located in Sosua is a great investment opportunity for anybody that wants to own two very affordable properties. There are several options, you can live in one and rent the other out, rent out both units or for those looking for a four bedroom house you could actually make them into one large home. Both town houses are the same size, 150m2 /1649ft2 and the entire lot size is 600m2 / 6458ft2.

Both town houses have a large terrace with BBQ area at the ground floor and two terraces on the second floor, where you can sit back and enjoy the wonderful tropical sunshine. Both units are identical. The ground floor interior there is a large living room adjoining dining area, a kitchen and a guest bathroom. The kitchen and the bathroom have brick counters. On the second  floor you will find two bedrooms with brick closets and a full bathroom. Outside there is a beautiful tropical garden and parking space.

These town houses are located inside a beautiful community not far from Sosua town center, the beach, and from numerous schools and supermarkets. The famous town of Cabarete is located just ten minutes away, as is Puerto Plata International airport. If you have dreamed of investing in property in the Caribbean then these are definitely worth a visit.

For more information about this property and real estate in the Dominican Republic, please write to .
Community features: Controlled access, Public transport
Distance to airport (km): 9.93
Distance to airport (miles): 6.17
Distance to beach (km): 1.50
Distance to beach (miles): 0.93
Distance to schools (km): 2.36
Distance to schools (miles): 1.34
Distance to shopping (km): 0.39
Distance to shopping (miles): 0.24
Distance to town (km): 2.36
Distance to town (miles): 1.34
Features: Cable, Generator, Internet, Inverter, Parking space, Pets allowed, Telephone
Furnished: Semi furnished
Lattitude: 18.895892559415024
Longitude: -70.46630859375
Listing #: V-12053
Parking: Parking space
View: Countryside

Town house in Sosua for sale Listing #: V-12050 LG

Listing #: V-12050 LG
City: Sosua
Price: U$135,000
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Living area (sq. Feet): 1614 / sq Meters: 150
Lot Size (sq Feet): 3229 / sq Meters: 300
For more information about this apartment and the real estate in the Dominican Republic please write to
Town house in Sosua for sale.
This house is located inside a quiet residential community close the Sosua town center, near the schools, supermarkets and the beach.
On the first floor there is a spacious open floor plan consisting of the living area and a dining area with a kitchen and the guest bathroom. It has a hand craft  kitchen giving a real homey feeling. Just off the living area there is a beautiful garden and a comfortable terrace with a BBQ area….perfect for entertaining.
On the second floor there are two more terraces where you can take in the glorious Caribbean sunshine. There are two spacious bedrooms both with natural stone closets and one bathroom also finished with hand crafted.
The town house is 150m2 / 1614ft2 and the lot is 300m2 / 3229ft2. It is also possible to purchase the town house next to this making it an excellent investment opportunity.
For more information about this property and Dominican Republic real estate in general please complete the request form.
Community features: Public transport
Distance to airport (km): 9.93
Distance to airport (miles): 6.17
Distance to beach (km): 1.50
Distance to beach (miles): 0.93
Distance to schools (km): 2.36
Distance to schools (miles): 1.34
Distance to shopping (km): 0.39
Distance to shopping (miles): 0.24
Distance to town (km): 2.36
Distance to town (miles): 1.34
Features: Cable, Generator, Internet, Pets allowed, Telephone
Financing Available: Yes
Floors: 2
Furnished: Un-furnished
Lattitude: 18.895892559415024
Longitude: -70.46630859375
Listing #: V-12050
View: Countryside

Two bedroom apartment in Sosua for sale Listing #: A-12163 LG

Status: For Sale
Listing #: A-12163 LG
City: Sosua
Price: U$56,000
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Living area (sq. Feet): 549,93 / sq Meters: 51.09

Two bedroom apartment in Sosua for sale
The owner offer  finance ! Write to know about it! 
This delightful, two bedroom, two bathroom apartment is situated in the heart of Sosua. There are several units for sale all varying in size for sale within the same complex and he can renovate the apartment of your choice. The pictures here are only an example of one renovated apartment, but you can choose the colors and the materials according with your desires.
When you enter in the apartment on the left side there is a bedroom with large cabinet and flat TV and a private bathroom. Right now, the kitchen area is between the first and the second bedroom, but the new idea of the apartment is to have a large store space and replace the second bedroom with the kitchen and living area which with the addition of a sofa bed could still be used as a sleeping area when you have guests. In this part of the apartment there is also a second bathroom for your guests and large patio doors leading out to a large terrace closed by window and you can use it as a relaxing living space or dining room if you prefer to have more space inside for the living area. The kitchen will come with cabinets, fridge, stove and microwave, the living area with dining table and the living space with a flat screen TV and the bedroom with bed and cabinet.
The complex has a beautiful and large reception, a swimming pool and a Jacuzzi and two bars and a restaurant opening soon. If you are looking for a place to enjoy the Dominican Republic life, then this is the apartment for you.
This is a great opportunity to purchase an apartment in the center of the town of Sosua on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic inside a popular and well managed gate community-complex. If you are buying for investment and not intending to be a full time owner then the management team and also our real estate company will be there to rent out your apartment for you on a short or long term basis.
This apartment is located only few minutes walking to Sosua beach with its crystal clear water and a colorful variety of small shops, bars and restaurants along the beach.  The International Puerto Plata airport is only a ten minute drive away and in the opposite direction at the same distance there is Cabarete, world famous for its kite beach, water sports, pretty boutiques and exciting night life.
For more information about this apartment and the real estate in the Dominican Republic please write to  

Buying process

Purchasing property in the Dominican Republic is surprisingly easy and with Coldwell Banker we will make your purchase experience even easier.

Below are the simple purchasing procedure points:
Once we have helped you find the property of your dreams, a preliminary Sale /Purchase Agreement with the owner of the property should be signed, which contains the basic terms and conditions applicable for the sale/purchase of the property. This should be accompanied by a 10% deposit which will be held in a lawyers account and released at the time of closing. The Seller is committed to sell the property to you after signing this agreement.

Next step:

The Lawyer/Notary will typically require the following documentation to process the sale/purchase agreements:
  • Full name and particulars of the parties. If the seller is married, the spouse must also sign. Two copies of identification are required of each person, (Passport, Dominican I.D. card, driver's license).
  • Legal description of the property to be purchased.
  • Purchase price and payment terms.
  • Default clause.
  • Date of delivery of the property.
  • Due diligence required or done.
  • Obligation by seller of signing the Deed of Sale upon receipt of final payment.

Notary process may take maximum 6 -8 weeks, the charges vary depending on complexity of the transaction. You will be contacted by the notary or your Coldwell Banker broker for an appointment to sign the deed and make final payments prior to the appointment date.
It is recommended that your financing is in place by the time that the official Deeds of Sale/Purchase and Transfer of Property are signed at the notary office.

Closing Costs

When buying a home, the following cost will be incurred by the Buyer.
The closing costs are calculated as follows:
  • Transfer tax and stamp duty. Taxes are paid based on the market value of the property as determined by the tax authorities, not on the price of purchase stated in the deed of sale.
  • Title transfer
  • Notary fees

Property Taxes

Properties held in the name of an individual are subject to an annual property tax ("IPI") of 1% of government-appraised value in excess of RD$6,500,000 pesos except for empty lots or farms outside city limits and properties whose owner is 65 years old or older, who has registered it in his or her name for more than 15 years and has no other property.

If the property is held by a corporation, no property tax is due. Instead, the corporation must pay a 1% tax on corporate assets. 
However, any income tax paid by the corporation will constitute a credit toward the tax on assets, so that if corporate income taxes paid are equal to or higher than the taxes on assets due, the corporation will have no obligation to pay taxes on its assets.

If you have any further questions regarding buying a home, than please do not hesitate to write us at   we are here to serve you! 

Pre construction

The Dominican Republic is seeing a flourish of construction activity and most of these developments offer pre construction prices from luxurious beach front condominiums to private residential villas.

Real estate clients looking for affordable investment prospects are finding pre-construction planned developments to be the perfect opportunity. With the majority of land projects being in prime locations, a smart investor gains the benefit of being in a desirable neighborhood at below market value prices. Once the development reaches completion investors can be sure of a profitable return on investment.

As well as the investment incentive, a purchaser would also have the added advantage of working with the developer to personalize the finer finishing points on the interior design.

We have numerous pre-construction properties available online. Take a look today and see what investment opportunities are waiting for you.
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Dominican Republic Property Investments

As the international economic market slowly starts to recover, more and more people are turning to property investments as a way to make money as opposed to purchasing stocks and bonds.

Many of our clients are purchasing property here in the Dominican Republic with the 'intent to rent', thus providing them with a regular income. Due to Coldwell Banker's unique position in the Dominican Republic property market, we have access to numerous properties with proven and checkable rental income. Property rental income can provide higher returns than many other investment opportunities.

We can help you identify the right property with a proven rental track record in order to maximize your investment return.
Take some time to look through our rental properties to gain a better understanding of nightly rental rates in the dominican Republic.
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Celebrate International Jazz Day and Music Education in Cabarete

Sea Horse Ranch Travel & News, April 2015

Celebrate International Jazz Day and Music Education 

International Jazz Day is celebrated annually on April 30 with simultaneous events around the world. It is organized by UNESCO to honor “the virtues of jazz as an educational tool, and a force for peace, unity, dialogue and enhanced cooperation among people“.
The events in Cabarete will include free concerts in the afternoon with students from the “Casa de Arte de Sosúa” String Program, and "Escuela Libre Monte de la Jagua" of Moca to be held in the neighborhoods of La Ciénaga and the Callejón de la Loma.
In the evening at 6pm, a fundraising event will be held at The Beach Club at Sea Horse Ranch, which will include a jazz concert by the talented Rafaelito Mirabal and “Systema Temperado”, and a fashion show. Tickets are $100 usd and proceeds will benefit the FEFUJAZZ music program.
FEDUJAZZ is a non-profit foundation whose main objective it is to bring about social change through music education of Dominican youth. The FEDUJAZZ music program aims to educate and expose Dominican children ages 7-18 with structured music programs that enhance their overall education and learning, and increase their opportunities in life.

FEDUJAZZ has a new space to call home in Cabarete in a rental building which offers classroom and administrative space. Currently there are over fifty students being provided free musical instruction and training, under the instruction of music professor from Santiago, Jefry Casimiro, with program oversight from Santy Rodriguez from Santo Domingo.

Cabarete Caves

Right in Cabarete’s back yard sits El Choco National park, several lagoons, and Cabarete Caves (La Cuevas de Cabarete). The caves are millions of years old, and yet are one of Cabarete’s best-kept secrets. Exploring the tropical landscape of El Choco National Park is a very relaxing experience, with its vast area of jungle, lagoon, caves, and open back country to explore.
There are several dry caves that have shallow pools suitable for swimming, and are safe for families and children. Local companies provide sustainable tours of El Choco National Park with biking, hiking and boat rides, respecting the natural resources of the area which is a landmark for eco-tourism in the province of Puerto Plata.
Diving is also possible in the El Choco caves, but cave diving requires a different training than the open water certification, and it is advisable to go with a certified guide with specialized experience in these caves.
Properly known as the Sistema La Escalera, the world-class caves in Cabarete are comprised of two very different cave systems, Cueva de los Murcielagos and Cueva La Escalera, which are connected through a huge dry cave with no outside access. The caves have beautiful and irreplaceable mineral formations, called stalactites and stalagmites, and these formations take thousands of years to form.
 Phillip LehmanFounding Member and Vice President of the Dominican Republic Speleological Society, explains “The caves in Cabarete are very different than the rest of the country, the tunnels appear more eroded and ancient, and the colors are truly unique to the Cabarete caves alone.” Indeed, flooded caves are geological time capsules where fossil remains and archeological artifacts have been perfectly preserved.  Scientific exploration and preservation is ongoing.